#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*- # # PyKota # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS and LPRng # # (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # $Id$ # # import sys import os import stat import tempfile import pwd import grp nowready = """ PyKota is now ready to run ! Before printing, you still have to manually modify CUPS' printers.conf to manually prepend cupspykota:// in front of each DeviceURI. Once this is done, just restart CUPS and all should work fine. Please report any problem to : alet@librelogiciel.com Thanks in advance. """ pghbaconf = """local\tall\tpostgres\t\tident sameuser local\tall\tall\t\tident sameuser host\tall\tall\t127.0.0.1\t255.255.255.255\tident sameuser host\tall\tall\t::1\tffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff\treject host\tall\tall\t::ffff:\treject host\tall\tall\t0.0.0.0\t0.0.0.0\treject""" pykotadminconf = """[global] storageadmin: pykotaadmin storageadminpw: readwritepw""" pykotaconf = """# # This is a generated configuration file for PyKota # # IMPORTANT : many more directives can be used, and some of the directives # below accept different and/or more complex parameters. Please read # /usr/share/pykota/conf/pykota.conf.sample for more details about the # numerous possibilities allowed. # [global] # Database settings storagebackend : pgstorage storageserver : %(storageserver)s storagename : pykota storageuser : pykotauser storageuserpw : readonlypw storagecaching : No disablehistory : No # Logging method logger : system # Set debug to Yes during installation and testing debug : Yes # Who should receive automatic bug reports ? crashrecipient : pykotacrashed@librelogiciel.com # Should we keep temporary files on disk ? # Set this to yes for debugging software accounting problems keepfiles : no # Logos for banners and CGI scripts logourl : http://www.pykota.com/pykota.png logolink : http://www.pykota.com/ # SMTP smtpserver : %(smtpserver)s maildomain : %(dnsdomain)s # Print Administrator admin : %(adminname)s adminmail : %(adminemail)s # Use usernames as-is or convert them to lowercase ? utolower : No # Should we hide some fields in the history (title, filename) ? privacy : no # Should we charge end users when an error occurs ? onbackenderror : nocharge # Default accounting methods : preaccounter : software() accounter : software() onaccountererror : stop # Who will receive warning messages ? # both means admin and user. mailto : both # Grace delay for pages based quotas, works the same # as for disk quotas gracedelay : 7 # Configurable zero, to give free credits balancezero : 0.0 # Warning limit for credit based quotas poorman : 1.0 # Warning messages to use poorwarn : Your Print Quota account balance is low. Soon you'll not be allowed to print anymore. softwarn : Your Print Quota Soft Limit is reached. This means that you may still be allowed to print for some time, but you must contact your administrator to purchase more print quota. hardwarn : Your Print Quota Hard Limit is reached. This means that you are not allowed to print anymore. Please contact your administrator at root@localhost as soon as possible to solve the problem. # Number of banners allowed to be printed by users # who are over quota maxdenybanners : 0 # Should we allow users to ever be over quota on their last job ? # strict means no. enforcement : strict # Should we trust printers' internal page counter ? trustjobsize : yes # How to handle duplicate jobs denyduplicates : no duplicatesdelay : 0 # What should we do when an unknown user prints ? # The policy below will automatically create a printing account # for unknown users, allowing them to print with no limit on the # current printer. policy : external(pkusers --add --skipexisting --limitby noquota --description "Added automatically" \$PYKOTAUSERNAME && edpykota --add --skipexisting --printer \$PYKOTAPRINTERNAME \$PYKOTAUSERNAME) """ class PyKotaSetup : """Base class for PyKota installers.""" backendsdirectory = "/usr/lib/cups/backend" # overload it if needed pykotadirectory = "/usr/share/pykota" # overload it if needed pgrestart = "/etc/init.d/postgresql* restart" # overload it if needed cupsrestart = "/etc/init.d/cupsys restart" # overload it if needed adduser = "adduser --system --group --home /etc/pykota --gecos PyKota pykota" # overload it if needed packages = [ "wget", "bzip2", "subversion", "postgresql", "postgresql-client", "cupsys", "cupsys-client", "python-dev", "python-jaxml", "python-reportlab", "python-reportlab-accel", "python-psyco", "python-pygresql", "python-psyco", "python-osd", "python-egenix-mxdatetime", "python-imaging", "python-pysnmp4", "python-chardet", "python-pam" ] otherpackages = [ { "name" : "pkpgcounter", "version" : "2.12", "url" : "http://www.pykota.com/software/%(name)s/download/tarballs/%(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz", "commands" : [ "tar -zxf %(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz", "cd %(name)s-%(version)s", "python setup.py install", ], }, { "name" : "pkipplib", "version" : "0.07", "url" : "http://www.pykota.com/software/%(name)s/download/tarballs/%(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz", "commands" : [ "tar -zxf %(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz", "cd %(name)s-%(version)s", "python setup.py install", ], }, { "name" : "ghostpcl", "version" : "1.41", "url" : "ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/AFPL/GhostPCL/%(name)s_%(version)s.tar.bz2", "commands" : [ "bunzip2 <%(name)s_%(version)s.tar.bz2 | tar -xf -", "cd %(name)s_%(version)s", "make fonts", "make product", "make install", ], }, ] def __init__(self) : """Initializes instance specific datas.""" self.launched = [] def yesno(self, message) : """Asks the end user some question and returns the answer.""" answer = raw_input("\n%s ? " % message).strip().upper()[0] return answer == 'Y' def confirmCommand(self, message, command, record=True) : """Asks for confirmation before a command is launched, and launches it if needed.""" if self.yesno("The following command will be launched %(message)s :\n%(command)s\nDo you agree" % locals()) : os.system(command) if record : self.launched.append(command) return True else : return False def confirmPipe(self, message, command) : """Asks for confirmation before a command is launched in a pipe, launches it if needed, and returns the result.""" if self.yesno("The following command will be launched %(message)s :\n%(command)s\nDo you agree" % locals()) : pipeprocess = os.popen(command, "r") result = pipeprocess.read() pipeprocess.close() return result else : return False def listPrinters(self) : """Returns a list of tuples (queuename, deviceuri) for all existing print queues.""" result = os.popen("lpstat -v", "r") lines = result.readlines() result.close() printers = [] for line in lines : (begin, end) = line.split(':', 1) deviceuri = end.strip() queuename = begin.split()[-1] printers.append((queuename, deviceuri)) return printers def downloadOtherPackages(self) : """Downloads and install additional packages from http://www.pykota.com or other websites""" olddirectory = os.getcwd() directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() print "\nDownloading additional software not available as packages in %(directory)s" % locals() os.chdir(directory) for package in self.otherpackages : name = package["name"] version = package["version"] url = package["url"] % locals() commands = " && ".join(package["commands"]) % locals() if url.startswith("svn://") : download = 'svn export "%(url)s" %(name)s' % locals() else : download = 'wget "%(url)s"' % locals() if self.confirmCommand("to download %(name)s" % locals(), download) : self.confirmCommand("to install %(name)s" % locals(), commands) self.confirmCommand("to remove the temporary directory %(directory)s" % locals(), "rm -fr %(directory)s" % locals(), record=False) os.chdir(olddirectory) def waitPrintersOnline(self) : """Asks the admin to switch all printers ON.""" while not self.yesno("First you MUST switch ALL your printers ON. Are ALL your printers ON") : pass def setupDatabase(self) : """Creates the database.""" pykotadirectory = self.pykotadirectory self.confirmCommand("to create PyKota's database in PostgreSQL", 'su - postgres -c "psql -f %(pykotadirectory)s/postgresql/pykota-postgresql.sql template1"' % locals()) def configurePostgreSQL(self) : """Configures PostgreSQL for PyKota to work.""" pgconffile = self.confirmPipe("to find PostgreSQL's configuration files", "find /etc -name postgresql.conf 2>/dev/null") if pgconffile is not False : pgconffile = pgconffile.strip() pgconfdir = os.path.split(pgconffile)[0] answer = self.confirmPipe("to see if PostgreSQL accepts TCP/IP connections", "grep ^tcpip_socket %(pgconffile)s" % locals()) conflines = pghbaconf.split("\n") if answer is not False : tcpip = answer.strip().lower().endswith("true") else : tcpip = False if tcpip : conflines.insert(2, "host\tpykota\tpykotaadmin,pykotauser\t127.0.0.1\t255.255.255.255\tmd5") else : conflines.insert(1, "local\tpykota\tpykotaadmin,pykotauser\t\tmd5") conf = "\n".join(conflines) self.confirmCommand("to configure PostgreSQL correctly for PyKota", 'echo "%(conf)s" >%(pgconfdir)s/pg_hba.conf' % locals()) self.confirmCommand("to make PostgreSQL take the changes into account", self.pgrestart) return tcpip return None def genConfig(self, adminname, adminemail, dnsdomain, smtpserver, home, tcpip) : """Generates minimal configuration files for PyKota.""" if tcpip : storageserver = "localhost" else : storageserver = "" conf = pykotaconf % locals() self.confirmCommand("to generate PyKota's main configuration file", 'echo "%(conf)s" >%(home)s/pykota.conf' % locals()) conf = pykotadminconf % locals() self.confirmCommand("to generate PyKota's administrators configuration file", 'echo "%(conf)s" >%(home)s/pykotadmin.conf' % locals()) self.confirmCommand("to change permissions on PyKota's administrators configuration file", "chmod 640 %(home)s/pykotadmin.conf" % locals()) self.confirmCommand("to change permissions on PyKota's main configuration file", "chmod 644 %(home)s/pykota.conf" % locals()) self.confirmCommand("to change ownership of PyKota's configuration files", "chown pykota.pykota %(home)s/pykota.conf %(home)s/pykotadmin.conf" % locals()) answer = self.confirmPipe("to automatically detect the best settings for your printers", "pkturnkey --doconf 2>/dev/null") if answer is not False : lines = answer.split("\n") begin = end = None for i in range(len(lines)) : line = lines[i] if line.strip().startswith("--- CUT ---") : if begin is None : begin = i else : end = i if (begin is not None) and (end is not None) : suffix = "\n".join(lines[begin+1:end]) self.confirmCommand("to improve PyKota's configuration wrt your existing printers", 'echo "%(suffix)s" >>%(home)s/pykota.conf' % locals()) def addPyKotaUser(self) : """Adds a system user named pykota, returns its home directory or None""" try : user = pwd.getpwnam("pykota") except KeyError : if self.confirmCommand("to create a system user named 'pykota'", self.adduser) : try : return pwd.getpwnam("pykota")[5] except KeyError : return None else : return None else : return user[5] def setupBackend(self) : """Installs the cupspykota backend.""" backendsdirectory = self.backendsdirectory pykotadirectory = self.pykotadirectory self.confirmCommand("to make PyKota known to CUPS", "ln -s %(pykotadirectory)s/cupspykota %(backendsdirectory)s/cupspykota" % locals()) self.confirmCommand("to restart CUPS for the changes to take effect", self.cupsrestart) def managePrinters(self, printers) : """For each printer, asks if it should be managed with PyKota or not.""" for (queuename, deviceuri) in printers : command = 'pkprinters --add --cups --description "Printer created with pksetup" "%(queuename)s"' % locals() self.confirmCommand("to import the %(queuename)s print queue into PyKota's database and reroute it through PyKota" % locals(), command) def setup(self) : """Installation procedure.""" self.waitPrintersOnline() adminname = raw_input("What is the name of the print administrator ? ").strip() adminemail = raw_input("What is the email address of the print administrator ? ").strip() dnsdomain = raw_input("What is your DNS domain name ? ").strip() smtpserver = raw_input("What is the hostname or IP address of your SMTP server ? ").strip() homedirectory = self.addPyKotaUser() if homedirectory is None : sys.stderr.write("Installation can't proceed. You MUST create a system user named 'pykota'.\n") else : self.upgradeSystem() self.setupPackages() self.downloadOtherPackages() tcpip = self.configurePostgreSQL() self.genConfig(adminname, adminemail, dnsdomain, smtpserver, homedirectory, tcpip) self.setupDatabase() self.setupBackend() self.managePrinters(self.listPrinters()) print nowready print "The script %s can be used to reinstall in unattended mode.\n" % self.genInstaller() def genInstaller(self) : """Generates an installer script.""" scriptname = "/tmp/pykota-installer.sh" commands = [ "#! /bin/sh", "#", "# PyKota installer script.", "#", "# This script was automatically generated.", "#", ] + self.launched script = open(scriptname, "w") script.write("\n".join(commands)) script.close() os.chmod(scriptname, \ stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH) return scriptname class Debian(PyKotaSetup) : """Class for Debian installer.""" def setupPackages(self) : """Installs missing Debian packages.""" self.confirmCommand("to install missing dependencies", "apt-get install %s" % " ".join(self.packages)) def upgradeSystem(self) : """Upgrades the Debian setup.""" if self.confirmCommand("to grab an up-to-date list of available packages", "apt-get update") : self.confirmCommand("to put your system up-to-date", "apt-get -y dist-upgrade") class Ubuntu(Debian) : """Class for Ubuntu installer.""" pass if __name__ == "__main__" : retcode = 0 if (len(sys.argv) != 2) or (sys.argv[1] == "-h") or (sys.argv[1] == "--help") : sys.stderr.write("usage : pksetup distribution\ne.g. : pksetup debian\n") else : classname = sys.argv[1].strip().title() try : installer = globals()[classname]() except KeyError : sys.stderr.write("There's currently no support for the %s distribution, sorry.\n" % sys.argv[1]) retcode = -1 else : try : retcode = installer.setup() except KeyboardInterrupt : sys.stderr.write("\n\n\nWARNING : Setup was aborted at user's request !\n\n") retcode = -1 sys.exit(retcode)